Saturday, October 07, 2006

Ariha - اريحا (Idlib - ادلب)

Located on the slopes of Arbaeen Mountain, 12 Km from the city of Idlib is the town of Ariha. This town is famous for its delicious cherries and is often used as a summer resort for the northern locals:

Kasab - كسب (Lattakia - الاذفية)

Kasab is a village in the Lattakia province located 65 km north of the city of Lattakia near the Turkish border, located on the Aqra' mountain amongst woods and thickets, 800 m above sea-level. The road leading to it from Lattakia is one of the most beautiful in Syria. It runs through woods and meadows of wild flowers and groves of olive and pine, orchards of apple trees leading to the beautiful forest of Frulloq:

Here you can see new buildings being constructed in a picturesque location:

Behind the white van is a geyser providing a natural source of fresh, cleaned water for the local people. You can see the two people on the right taking away bottles of the water and the people in the white van have stopped by for some as well:

Tomato plantations in Kasab:

Idlib - ادلب

Situated in the Northwest of Syria is the Governorate of Idlib. This governorate is the link between the coastal region and the inland steppe, as it was the Syrian gateway to Europe and the West through Bab Al Hawa, Door of the Wind.

The historical importance of Idlib is quite important. The area of Idlib holds over 190 man made tells (hills), the most famous of which is at Tell Mardikh, Ebla. The cuneiform tablets found at Ebla prove that this area has been settled since the 3rd millennium BC. Idlib also has an abundance of Dead Cities, some which are well preserved and others that have been forgotten.

The governorate of Idlib is known for its Olive and Olive Oil, its wheat, cotton and fruit, in particular cherries. The main city of the governorate is the city of Idlib, which lies 59 Km from Aleppo at a height of 500 meters above sea level. The city itself is also very ancient as the Roman and Pagan cemeteries indicate. The museum at Idlib is quite interesting and houses many of the artifacts and tablets excavated at Ebla.

Other ruins in the governorate of Idlib include the dead cities of Al Bara and Serjilla, and the church at Qalb Lozeh.

Aleppo the Capital of Islamic Culture

In recognition of the historical, civilizational and cultural status of Aleppo, and in celebration of its historical and civilizational monuments which stand witness to an age-old past of which the roots spread to pre-historical times and stretch through Arab and Islamic eras, the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation -ISESCO- has dedicated its Internet website ( to celebrate Aleppo as the Capital of Islamic Culture for the year 1427 A.H./2006 A.D. The aim of this initiative is to spread light on the most prominent features of the cultural heritage and the Islamic monuments of this city, boost the awareness of young generations about its importance, provide knowledge about the treasures of its prestigious past, and highlight its civilizational landmarks and cultural legacy.

Through this link, these civilizational landmarks and cultural heritage are brought to the fore by the Islamic Organisation in its drive to participate in reviving the city of Aleppo, preserve its historical landmarks, and document on the internet the most prominent milestones of Islamic civilization in this city. These landmarks still stand proudly today as a testimony to the contribution of Aleppo to the flourishing of Islamic civilization.

This link will remain open in order to be fed with regular updates considering the vastness and diversity of the subject at hand, and be supplied with new data on the civilizational, cultural and Islamic landmarks. This pulpit will serve to inform the whole world about the most important Islamic civilizational landmarks of the city of Aleppo, and endeavour to motivate coming generations into preserving this heritage and transferring it safely into the hands of future generations.

May Allah grant us success.

Dr. Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri

Director general of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation

These landmarks in Aleppo are currently advertising it as being the Capital of Islamic Culture:

This square (Sa'ad Allah square - ساحة سعد الله) in the Aleppo City Centre is the meeting place for people like politicians who visit on behalf of Aleppo's new status as the Capital of Islamic Culture:

The Leramoon roundabout (دوار ليرامون) on the edge of Aleppo city has signs on its four faces to advertise Aleppo as being the Capital of Islamic Culture:
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